Gameplay: 7
Visuals: 6
Music: 8
Sound: 7
Value: 8
Publisher: LucasArts
Developer: TT Games
Multiplayer: Online co-op, offline co-op
Console(s): Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii, DS
Reviewed on: Xbox 360
ESRB rating: E10+ (Cartoon violence)
TGG rating: E (Cartoon violence)
Good Points:
Both Lego Star Wars I and II included - Charming humor - Faithful Lego style - Faithful Star Wars style - Great for multiplayer - More extras than you can shake a gaffi stick at (sorry, had to say it)
Not So Good Points:
Gameplay can be simplistic - So can the graphics - The camera can get a little dicey in multiplayer
Lego Star Wars was a great game; Lego Star Wars II was a great sequel; Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is greater than great. It puts both of the previous games into one package and throws in a load of new extras and modes, and if you have the 360 version like I do, shinier graphics and Achievment Points. That being said, it's still all the Lego Star Wars you remember: humorous adventures through a Lego-infused Star Wars parody that is great to play with a friend. Virtually all of the memorable scenes from the movies are here, from Episodes I-VI, giving you the entire Saga to play through from start to finish. From the Death Star attack, to Obi-Wan and Anakin's fateful duel, and even to the iconic "I am your father" moment from The Empire Strikes Back, you'll find yourself in many familiar situations. The entire game is portrayed in a Lego-style tongue in cheek brand of humor, which will cause Star Wars fans (I'm one of them, by the way) to chuckle consistantly throughout the colorful levels. All kinds of details and jokes from Star Wars are present, and the lovable Lego figures look hilariously alike their movie counterparts. It's hard not to crack up when you're playing as a Emperor Palpatine and listening to his famous cackle, or waddling about as C-3PO, only to have your leg sliced off by your companion, leaving you to hop up and down on one leg in a desperate attempt to escape.
The game isn't challenging by any means, but that's just what Lego Star Wars is about. You're there to have some fun, and nothing more; the humor is half the experience. But that doesn't mean there's no challenge at all: in fact, there are tons of things to unlock (and I mean tons), and plenty of challenges to complete. The cast of characters is massive, and you won't find many Star Wars characters unavailable to play as. The numorous Lego figures are brought to life with wonderful animations that really capture their respective characters. The rest of the game looks good as well, though it's not exactly eye-popping considering its fellow 360 games. The sound design is classic Star Wars, from lightsabers to the opening crawl's incredible score, so you can't go wrong there. Overall, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga puts two excellent games together to create a really excellent game, and it shouldn't be missed by any Star Wars fan with a sense of humor out there.
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